Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Equipping kids to know, grow, and show God’s love!
K - Know God and His Word
I - Involve Yourself in Friendship and Fellowship
D - Develop Ministry Gifts
S - Serve in the church and community
When is KIDS Ministry?
KIDS Ministry takes place during the service. The children sit with their families through the beginning of worship and after a certain time they are excused with others to attend their classes.
What is KIDS Ministry?
We have a place for every child, from nursery age to 6th grade. During Sunday mornings, kids attend age specific classes, learning about Old Testament and New Testament characters and stories, and build relationships with their peers and teachers. They will learn how deeply God loves them, and how to create a deeper relationship with Christ.
K - Know God and His Word
I - Involve Yourself in Friendship and Fellowship
D - Develop Ministry Gifts
S - Serve in the church and community
When is KIDS Ministry?
KIDS Ministry takes place during the service. The children sit with their families through the beginning of worship and after a certain time they are excused with others to attend their classes.
What is KIDS Ministry?
We have a place for every child, from nursery age to 6th grade. During Sunday mornings, kids attend age specific classes, learning about Old Testament and New Testament characters and stories, and build relationships with their peers and teachers. They will learn how deeply God loves them, and how to create a deeper relationship with Christ.